4 diciembre 2024

Gamification in mathematics: a secondary classroom experience

Ádrián Bacelo Polo
a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:33:"Universidad Complutense de Madrid";}
gamificaciónInnovaciónmatemáticasmotivaciónmétodo de enseñanza-aprendizaje
Núm. 24 (2024)



The following paper focuses on the study of a gamification proposal of the teaching-learning process and its implantation in a mathematics 4th year secondary school classroom. After analysing the current situation, a pre-post test study is carried out in two groups of students who work the same contents simultaneously, with the only difference that one group works with traditional teaching method and the other with gamification. The objective is to compare both methodologies in terms of results, motivation and interest in mathematics. The research results show that gamification as an innovative teaching-learning method has a positive impact on students since it increases their motivation, and thus their performance. In addition, gamification also encourages other aspects such as teamwork and participation.

  Cómo citar

Bacelo Polo, Ádrián, & García-Lojo, M. (2024). Gamification in mathematics: a secondary classroom experience. Indivisa, Boletín De Estudios E Investigación, (24), 76–100.


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